Monday, January 12, 2009

ewwww mushrooms

okay so i made the chicken marsala last night. i think it came out okay. i even tried one of the mushrooms but it was gross. defs reaffirmed the fact that i do not like mushrooms.

i followed the directions like exactly and still had the mushrooms in the pan when i cooked the chicken and i was thinking, "hmmmm maybe i should take them out?" like i had a mushroom shape on one side of the chicken when i flipped it over and was like, "definitely taking that stuff out next time."

the chicken was good though. there wasn't really any sauce for the pasta so i just had salt, pepper, and parm for that. definitely need to make it with more sauce so that there's something that goes on the pasta. i'm thinking of adding chicken stock and using a little more wine to get that?

i still have some extra ingredients leftover so i might try again later in the week. just need to pick up some shallots since i saw that in some other recipes online. and i got a bunch of helpful tips from one of my friends.

on another note, tonight i made fried rice for the first time in my life! my girlfriend told me how to make it over the weekend when i told her i had leftover rice and peas. it was pretty easy and super tasty. definitely going to have to make it again! i just added oil to the pan, scrambled an egg, and added the old rice into the pan. broke up the rice, threw in some tomatoes, and peas. finished with some soy sauce for color.

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