Saturday, February 21, 2009

valentine's day

so i'm sure people have been dying to know how the chicken marsala turned out on valentine's day...

anyways, the girl was super curious about what i was gonna make for dinner that night and i figured since she was going to go food shopping with me anyways, i might as well make it fun. so i decided to give her a bunch of clues until she figured out that it was going to be pasta, mushrooms, and chicken. even with all of that, she couldn't come up with chicken marsala.

i pretty much made it the way i did the second time, except i used the whole 8 oz. package of mushrooms that i bought and i used like maybe a cup of wine and a cup of chicken broth. (not really sure of the exact amount since i literally used a cup.)

i don't like mushrooms, so she ended up eating all of them, which were cooked in wine for a while before i added in the chicken broth. plus, she ended up eating three of the five pieces of chicken that i made, which is probably about 0.9 lbs since the whole amount was 1.5 lbs. so needless to say, she went into a food coma, but not before she made some yummy crepes! we put nutella, pineapples, and vanilla ice cream, with some orange butter she also made, inside.

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